Framing Everyday Life: Stories of Confinement

Collaborative Photography Project
Alongside the photographic mission entrusted to Michel Huneault, in April 2020 the Museum launched a collaborative public project, Framing Everyday Life: Stories of Confinement. This project invited the public to express, through photography, how the pandemic and confinement influenced their relationship with the outside world and each other.
After more than 2 years, over 4,000 photographs with the hashtags #FramingEverydayLife and #Cadrerlequotidien have been shared on social media, providing a portrait of the diverse realities experienced by Quebecers and the way they evolved.
Framing Everyday Life: Stories of Confinement
Confinement changes our relationship with space, whether we live alone, in a couple, with roommates or in a family. Each of us develops strategies to get through the crisis by creating inner worlds. What happens to our relationship with the outside world and each other in this situation? Does it only exist through a screen, a window or a half-open door?
As Montreal’s social history museum, the McCord Stewart Museum invited you to take part in a collaborative photography project called “Framing Everyday Life: Stories of Confinement.” Participants were asked to document this period of confinement and explore the changes taking place in our relationship with space. We would like to thank you for letting us know how you see the situation and for sharing your daily life with us and the Museum community.
Exhibition INCIPIT – COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic began in Quebec over two years ago. Commissioned by the Museum, photographer Michel Huneault set out to capture the beginnings of this unprecedented upheaval. Named for the Latin word incipit, meaning “here begins,” the exhibition recalls the early stages of the crisis.
Using a singular approach that intertwines several research and creation activities, photographer Michel Huneault chronicles various lived experiences in the public sphere, in private life and in healthcare institutions.
#FramingEverydayLife Gallery
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